Saturday, October 10, 2009

To Market To Market...

The children’s rhyme says, “to market, to market, to buy a fat pig…”
Well, we didn’t find a fat pig, but we did find lots of other things at the outdoor market yesterday. We were able to find a broom, an iron, apples, bananas, soccer ball and pump, cookies, gum, milk, butter, tomatoes, bread, coffee, etc (see on picture), all for about $27.00. The market is a great place to buy whatever you want. You just go from vendor to vendor. Unfortunately, it closes at about 2pm and we didn’t get there until about 1pm. At closing time, all manikins are stripped, and all clothes/items are put in large boxes or bags in just a matter of minutes. We are able to walk there, but can ride the marshutka (bus) if we want.

We also went to a great restaurant to eat. There are a lot of log cabins built that we thought were to rent to sleep in (like at some campgrounds). However, the cabins were to rent to eat in them. They were complete with fireplace and heater, if needed. We had so much fun and would love to go back again. The food was great!!! By the way, the rent is 100 rph (about $12.00).

Later in the afternoon, we went to the orphanage and played soccer with our kids as well as all others that were outside. Little E. and Bobby got their legs twisted together and Bobby fell on his left wrist. It looked ok and so we kept on playing. This morning when we woke up, Bobby’s wrist and hand was swollen, so we called Sasha about where to take him to have it X-rayed. There is a local hospital here that we had seen on our way back from the market. However, we didn’t know what the reputation of the hospital was. Sasha is adept at about everything, so in about 15 minutes, a car was at our door to take us to a kind of clinic. There was no line and no waiting, so the entire visit to the clinic took only about 15 minutes. The good news…no broken bones, just a sprain. After an ace wrap and a few toradol, we were on our way.

We found out yesterday that our court will not be held until next Thursday, 10/15. This means that Bobby will probably be coming home soon after that. The kids and I will stay here for about 2 weeks by ourselves. We had to do this last time, and were hoping to avoid it this time, but we think it is the best option. Our flights are scheduled for 10/29, but it is doubtful that we will make that. We will just have to see.

Kevin and Katie want to say Hello to all of their cousins. Justin and Sammy, we can’t wait until our first camping trip. Sammy, you have met your match with one of our boys!!!!

We love you all and thank you for your continued prayers!!


  1. The pictures are great! It is raining of course in Birmingham. I am reading your blog and having a cup of coffee for Kim. The Alabama game is on at 2:30 pm (our time) and Auburn at ll:00 am (our time) so Kim maybe you can catch up on the scores before you go to sleep. Hope all goes well in court next Thursday and who knows -Kim I know you can get everyone in shape to make your plane on Oct.29.

  2. The cabins are too cute! Really nice inside. Did the $12 rental fee include food? Bobby we are sorry about your wrist but glad it is not broken. Praying for a speedy recovery. Sorry also to hear that you will have to return before the family. Can we shop at the market there? I wish we could buy that much here for $27!!! Alabama won their game again 22 to 3! Auburn lost to Arkansas 44 to 23 yesterday. Sorry Bobby, Katie, and Kevin. Go BAMA!

  3. Hey Kim,Bobby,and kids,
    It looks like you are all enjoying your time together in Ukraine. It is amazing to see how God continues to work in the lives of those around us and how He provides for the orphans. Kevin and Katie look great...can't wait to see pics of the new kids. We are praying that all will go according to God's will and that He will be glorified through your family.
    Gina Grace

  4. Hey Kemp Family,
    I am sorry that I am a little late catching up with your blog. I am so excited about the 3 new kids, and we can't wait to meet them. This looks like a neat little town, and I love all the pics. Sounds like Kevin and Katie are doing great, and I am praying that all of you will bond as a family quickly. Love you all and are praying for a quick court date.
    Paula Underwood
